(2020-2021) Online preparatory Course for the MOrth RCS and Board Exams (Version III)
Fri, 05 Jun
|One Year Online Course
As per the request of many, we will run our third version of our online 📡 preparatory course for the MOrth and board exams 📖 (Part I and II) See the amazing course bonus! The course is exclusive for specialists and residents in orthodontics ONLY

Time & Location
05 Jun 2020, 19:00 BST – 07 May 2021, 21:00 BST
One Year Online Course
About The Event
To register for the course, please fill the application form which can be accessed from this link, and then send it back to info@orthodonticacademy.co.uk
The course is exclusive for specialists and residents in orthodontics ONLY
All delegates will have the opportunity to book a one-hour private session with one of our tutors to discuss any orthodontic topics, practice any part of the exam or for help in selecting potential cases for the exam. In addition, all delegates will have the opportunity to send their written cases to be revised by an external tutor -an experienced specialist orthodontist who has passed all exams. We will ensure that your case write ups are to the standard of the examination*, supply you with potential questions related to your cases and guide you on how best to defend your cases
*Please note that we will not write up the cases for you or make changes that might affect the transparency of the treatment.
This package is worth £1000 however it will be included FREE OF CHARGE for all delegates who register during our early bird discount period. Please contact us today to take advantage of this incredible offer and ensure you don’t miss out!